He had LL&P too, as all humans do
He had temper
He whipped the money changers in the Temple
There must be some truth in the Da Vinci Code
His love for Mary Magdalene
He was tempted when He fasted 40 days in the desert
to prepare for His life's mission
Again in the garden of Gethsemane
He prayed to God, His heavenly father
to spare Him
Father, I cannot drink of this cup
But He relented in the end
Not my will, but thine be done
In His last moments, hanging from the cross
He had a crisis of belief
Father, Father! why hast thou forsaken me !
Jesus was born a Jew
He revolted, He picked flaws in the Bible (the Old Testament)
such as:
the jewish rituals on washing, etc
on diet
What u put into your mouth dont matter
what comes out of your mouth is important
on stoning the adulteress
let the man who has no sin cast the first stone
on revenge?
'Eye for an eye' said the Holy Book
He said: 'if a man slaps u on one cheek
turn the other cheek'
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:a time to be born and a time to die,a time to plant and a time to uproot,
-Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
"'We are going up to Jerusalem,' he said, 'and the Son of Man will be betrayed to the chief priests and teachers of the law. They will condemn him to death and will hand him over to the Gentiles, who will mock him and spit on him, flog him and kill him. Three days later he will rise.'"
-Mark 10:33-34
If Jesus were to come back to Earth
I am pretty sure He wud disown the Christian Church
The church has always bowed to the State
Joan of Arc was burned as a witch by the Church
Gallileo was imprisoned for life by the Church and died in his cell
The Vatican bought peace with Mussolini
by agreeing to remain silent while millions of Jews were gassed by Hitler
The pilot of the plane that carried the Atom Bomb: destination Hiroshima
was blessed by the Bishop of America
CENSORSHIP by The Catholic Church
Every year, the Catholic pope declares a black list of books that Catholics are not supposed to read. Reading them means a certainty of your going to hell.
I was talking to a bishop in Nagpur, because a few of my books had been listed by the Catholic pope as not to be read by any Catholics; whoever reads them is paving his path towards hell. And this is not new, this is an almost eighteen-hundred-year-old tradition in the Catholic Church. Before this century, they used to burn and destroy any book they decided was dangerous for Catholics. Now they cannot do that, but at least they can prevent the Catholics—who are a great majority in the world, seven hundred million people.
I simply said to the bishop of Nagpur, "At least somebody must have been reading my books; otherwise how do they decide? Either the pope himself must be reading, or some associate cardinals in the Vatican must be reading—without reading, you cannot decide that a book is dangerous to the Catholic belief."
He was in a dilemma: he could not say yes, he could not say no. Because if he says 'Yes, somebody reads it,' that means that person is bound to fall into hell. And if that person is not going to fall into hell, then the whole idea is ridiculous; then nobody is going to fall into hell. It is just to keep people's eyes closed: no facts should be allowed to be known to them that go against their belief. splendid
What OSHO has to say about Christians
about me
I was a devout catholic
went to church every day to read the Epistle in church
then Benedict became Pope
He said
Rock music is evil
Gays and les will go to hell
I said bye to the catholic church
my best friends then were les
they are good christians
The church has focussed on things that are not relevant
on condemning contraception by artificial means
on condemning genetic research
Jesus said
Render to Caesar the things that are Caesars
and to God the things that are Gods
the church has no business to talk about other things that fall in the domain of Science and the State
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and don't lean on your own understanding. In all things acknowledge him, and He shall direct your way"-
Proverbs 3:5,6
Have a beautiful, blessing Sunday!
Hi Jim,
Man cannot put the Lord under his scrutiny for he can never fathom His all encompassing glory and splendor. God's sovereignty over man is absolute. Man can rebel for all he cares but God remains God, unscathed, unbowed, immortal, while man becomes food for the worms. It is like spitting on heaven. Man's spittum returns back to him and smears his face. Thanks. God bless.
I know I felt the EXACT SAME THING.
Not directly from the pope of course.. But when Pope John Paul died, the priests in my community started emphasising A LOT on the material stuffs.
Seriously, and the priests themselves became hypocrites. The church that I loved who focused on being together and loving each other started focusing on other things too.
I left. I was torn apart that the church I grew up in was no more and that a more superficial one is here... So I left and kept my faith alive.
I love your post. I never knew there was a bigger picture. I thought it was all here
its all alot of bollocks
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